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I was drawn to psychology as a way to understand suffering in the world - my own and others. My personal healing journey and my work with clients eventually led me to the work of Carl Jung. 


I have worked with a variety of clients since 1987 helping them find a way into and through the things they come to me seeking help for. Every symptom, every failure, every defense, every addiction, serves a purpose. Compassion and curiosity guide the way into seeing through what "ails." Using a variety of approaches and techniques, I attune to each person in the moment. Listening deeply, I respond intuitively and creatively in ways that open up what is seen and felt, facilitating lasting transformation.


I truly care for all of my clients, and help them find the answers they seek.



Healing comes from a “knowledge of the depths, and this is what stories try to teach us, even our own; that what’s below and beneath and inside is a generative, life-giving power.”

~ Linda Hogan


  • Sandra Easter PhD
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750 E 9th Ave, Suite 205

Denver, CO  80203

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